Create Safe Homes

OCT 20, 2020

At Starfish Project, we encounter women and girls trapped in brothels every day. This year their situation only became more desperate .

As the World was hit with COVID-19 and we all went into lockdown, vulnerable people became even more vulnerable. Women living down the street, in our very own village, locked themselves in brothels with bike chains because they had no safe place to go.

This made us realize how fortunate our families are to have a safe home.

Therefore, we are launching Create Safe Homes. This program will expand our current shelters and prepare women joining us to create safe homes of their own. Each woman escaping the brothels and entering our safe home will be paired with a coach who will help them gain the tools they need to build a sustainable life of freedom.

Will you join us in raising $90,000 to create safe homes for women escaping human trafficking?

Simply give what you can, ask your friends to give and make a generational impact for women and girls.