Honoring Every Woman’s Incredible Career Development
SEP 03, 2022
This Labor Day (and every day really) we are excited to honor every woman’s incredible career development here at Starfish Project. We start down with a few of the remarkable women who keep Starfish Project going to hear about their roles and career development over the years.
Ning, Administrative Assistant and Vocational Training Teacher
I’ve had many roles over the years as Starfish Project has grown. When I joined Starfish Project in 2015 I started on the production line making necklaces, earrings, and all our jewelry. Then, I had the opportunity to learn international shipping and office administration. As the company grew each role expanded and I had the opportunity to train Zang in international shipping. I was so happy to give another woman the opportunity to grow so that the company can also grow more and more.
Now I work as the office Administrative Assistant. I love that in this role I can help so many people solve issues to help them work better. This year I was also asked to use my computer skills to train new women in our Computer Basics Class. I teach two classes and 10 women. I am happy for this opportunity to pass on the knowledge I have learned here at Starfish Project.

NiNi, Product Development Department Assistant
I am new to Starfish Project. I joined the jewelry production team about four months ago. Soon after I joined the company a new role in the Product development team opened up. I applied and I received this wonderful training opportunity. I am now the Product Development Department Assistant. I have learned to add new jewelry items to our system and I get to connect and communicate across multiple departments. I think this role fits me well because I am a good people person.
Everyone here at Starfish Project is so encouraging. Previously, when challenges presented themselves I would feel really down on myself. Now, with everyone's encouragement, I feel confident in myself even when I am learning something new. I have confidence in myself and I am excited to learn more in this new department.
Fan, Production Manager
I was one of the first women to join Starfish Project. Like all women who join Starfish Project, my first training and job opportunity was making jewelry. Now, I am the Production Mananger. I supervise all aspects of production and make sure that orders are completed on time.
I never imagined I would be at Starfish Project this long– now 15 years later. Those first years were really very wonderful, yet, I still prefer the Starfish Project of today. The Starfish Project of today is different, our eyes have been open to many new possibilities.
I would like it if more women could join Starfish Project. We have insurance, a 9-5 working schedule and we get the weekends to spend time with our children, not to mention the chance to study at work. No other companies here offer this opportunity.
Zang, Shipping Administrator
I have learned many new things at Starfish Project since I joined in 2016. Two years and two months ago, I was given the opportunity to develop a career in international shipping. I have already learned so much yet there is still more to learn and I am excited about that. I hope in the next year, I can feel confident even when challenges arrive. I love that the jewelry I ship out goes to all of our customers. My role is an important connection point.
This year I have just started to learn about Human Resources. I am excited to learn more about this field as well. I am grateful for every opportunity I have to learn, grow and develop a meaningful career at Starfish Project.

Mae Lee, Lead Photographer
I joined Starfish Project in March of 2013. I began on the production line making jewelry and then moved into a role as Supply Room Manager. As the company grew a new opportunity to learn photography opened up. The Holistic Care Director and Jenny (the Starfish Project CEO and Founder) asked if I would be willing to learn Photography. I quickly said no – I was afraid I couldn’t do it. Now, looking back I am so grateful that they encouraged me to simply try it for a few months and see if I liked it. They knew me and knew I was struggling with my confidence and ability to learn and they were willing to walk that road with me.
At times I still wrestle with my confidence – as a child, I never had the opportunity to develop my own ideas and my creativity so I worry I am not as good as everyone else. Yet today I am confident in the skills I have developed and I am willing and excited to learn more to become more creative. I am so grateful I tried and stayed in this role. I can now say I am a photographer.
Thank you for partnering with us through each purchase and gift! Together we can see even more women experience freedom, establish independence and develop dignified careers! As a thank you for your partnership and support we are giving you free US shipping all Labor Day Weekend, September 3 - 5!