Women's Day 2021

MAR 05, 2021

Women Inspiring Women

At our weekly leadership meeting, Fay, a woman in our program who recently moved onto our Leadership Team, shared that she dreams of a day when she'll inspire those around her.

After watching a motivating video by the leader of International Justice Mission (IJM), Fay shared, "I can see that each of you have a dream and a purpose. I have never been that type of person but, I feel the more time I spend with all of you, I can become that kind of person too." It was just amazing to see her realize the kind of impact she can have.

"Maybe one day when I return to my hometown, I can be a leader who has a dream and a vision too."

With tentative hopefulness, she continued, "Maybe one day when I return to my hometown, I can be a leader who has a dream and a vision too." This Women's Day, we want to remind you that you have an amazing influence in the lives of the women around you and across the world at Starfish Project! Thank you for restoring hope with us!

Let's raise our voices to celebrate amazing women around the world!

This March, join communities around the world to celebrate the inspiring women in your life. Send a sweet note letting her know how she impacts you. If you'd like, attach your note to a little Starfish Project jewelry box and drop it at her door (or in her mailbox). Or let her do the fun, life-transforming shopping with a Starfish Project Gift Card that will be delivered right to her inbox! However you choose,let's raise our voices to celebrate amazing women around the world!