Hope is Alive: Celebrating 14 Years of Starfish Project
APR 12, 2020
At Starfish Project Easter is always an exciting time of year with much to celebrate. 14 years ago on Easter we began outreach in our headquarter city. We gave each woman we visited a pink roses and decorated Easter eggs. Some of the women we met said this was the first gift they had ever received. The following week when we visited the women again many of them had the pink roses we had given drying in the windows. These simple gifts really meant something to them.
The following year we hosted an Easter party in the red light district. Five women with incredible bravery and unrelenting hope made the decision to escape their lives of exploitation and our founder, Jenny launched Starfish Project in a small apartment.
This year Starfish Project celebrates our birthday amidst a global pandemic. It is an uncertain time, yet one thing we know to be true is that hope is alive! Finding hope and working toward a better future is who we are! It’s what we do every single day at Starfish Project with women and girls who are still stuck in exploitation. Each day hope may look a little different than the day before but it’s there if you look for it.
Today as the world is shaken hope looks like a cake. A simple cake to celebrate 14 years, hundreds of women rescued out of exploitation and thousands more reached with many more to come. We invite you to celebrate hope with us today!