您提供的 9 個有趣的檢疫創意
2020 年 3 月 29 日

我們的 Instagram 社群為我們的創辦人珍妮提供了許多令人驚嘆的想法來幫助她的家人度過隔離期。現在,我們會提醒您與我們分享的想法,為您提供協助!
1. Play Games:
Jenny and her family had a blast playing Throw Throw Burrito! Indoors alone? Charades and Pictionary can absolutely be played online with friends via Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, etc.
2. Online Exercise Classes:
Our Outreach Director has fallen in love with Jindafit dancing and Zumba during quarantine. You dance and shake all in the comfort of your own home and never worry about being off a step or even collapsing to the ground in laughter (or exhaustion). Not to mention the energy and mood boost after the fact!

3. Movie Night:
Why not pull all the blankets and pillows into the living room, close the curtains, pop the popcorn and do movie night anytime of day?! Bonus points for dressing up as movie characters before or after and taking hilarious photos. Marvel Movie Marathon in superhero costume anyone? If you’re at this whole quarantine thing at home alone, plan to watch the movie the same night as a friend and have a video chat before and after.
4. Blanket Fort:
Once movie night is over and all the blankets are still out, why not build the most epic blanket fort? We’ve even added an indoor slide to ours! Don’t have kids? No problem. Go luxurious with your fort by adding cushions, a lamp, a stack of books, a tray with snacks and coffee and make it a reading nook for a few days while dreaming you are on a Moroccan vacation.
5.玩捉迷藏:你給了我們這個想法,老實說,我們不太確定它能讓我們和孩子們在我們的小公寓裡走多遠。也就是說,直到我們發現(或可能創造)與祖父母的影片捉迷藏。我們是這樣做的: 1. 給祖父母視訊通話 2. 把設備藏在屋子裡,讓祖父母每隔 30 秒左右說一句話,直到孩子們透過他們的聲音追捕他們(想想馬可波羅,但帶著iPad )。 3. 重複。
6.感謝卡:我們喜歡這個主意!這是您可以深入研究的一種方法。 1. 回顧去年的經歷(看照片很有幫助)。你最喜歡的時刻是什麼?他們為何如此偉大?誰是那些時刻的一部分? 2. 給他們寫或製作一張卡片(或電子郵件),感謝他們在過去一年對您的影響。 3.不要忘記發送。如果在整個 COVID-19 事件結束時,人們記得的是他們在整個過程中受到的鼓舞,那將是多麼令人難以置信?
7. Spa Day:
Massages are relatively inexpensive in Asia and in an effort to support our local economy, many of us frequently partake in a relaxing massage (we all have to do our part, right?). So, getting a massage is on the top of our “Things to do once COVID is over” list (Have you made yours? If so, please share in the comments!). Until then, we are enjoying your suggestion of having a spa day at home. Our Outreach Director used part of homeschool time to teach her sons how to put on a face mask and give a nice hand massage. Face masks, essential oils, bath salts, and a great new book are all things you can buy online to indulge!

8.創辦讀書會:這是一家人一起做的很棒的事。選擇一本適合年齡的書,每隔一天晚上讀幾章,然後進行討論。對於不願意參加的人來說,特殊的「讀書俱樂部小吃」效果很好。或者虛擬化:選擇一本書並透過 Zoom 邀請幾個朋友加入您。設定閱讀目標並安排每週一次或兩次討論書籍/章節的時間。
9.建造魯布‧戈德堡機器:這些機器可以很簡單,也可以很複雜,只要你願意。我們建議觀看 Ok Go 的「 This Too Shall Pass 」音樂錄影帶以獲取靈感。我認為這是不言而喻的,但是,請與我們分享影片!