2023 年 7 月 5 日
夏天到了,正是慶祝更多女性在 Starfish Project 成長的最佳時機,並向您介紹我們的精品店銷售管理員 Amanda,她已經在 Starfish Project 工作了 6 年多。

Meet Amanda from Indiana
I'm the Boutique Accounts Manager for Starfish Project. What this means is that I work daily to help us acquire new retail partners, and help curate products to fit our customer needs. I run customer service for our wholesale and Faire websites, keep in touch with current retail partners, work with the Sales Team on acquiring new businesses, and work directly with the women in Asia to keep the website and wholesale marketing current. I love my job!
As a mom, balancing home and work life is always challenging. Working at Starfish Project has given me the flexibility to be there when my children and husband need me and to be there for my work team when they need me too. Although my degrees are in English, Elementary and Secondary Education, I get to utilize new abilities as a Sales Administrator. Sometimes, I even get to teach!


My children have been coming to the distribution center since they were 7 and 2. Though they didn’t start volunteering that young, they did have fun playing with boxes and learning to put stickers on the circle boxes. Lately, my oldest has been begging me to sign up to volunteer this summer. They always feel welcome amongst the staff and other volunteers. They tell all their friends and teachers about our mission, wear Starfish jewelry and take pride in being part of the Starfish family. I love that my kids can believe in the mission of Starfish Project and help restore hope.
[Helping Aunt Kathy with stickers.]
我永遠感激有機會與海星計畫同行並為之工作。我從來沒有感到如此被愛、被欣賞、被鼓勵和被支持。令我驚訝的是,我自 2014 年以來一直在海星計畫中擔任志願者,並已在這個出色的組織工作了 6 年多。我期待未來!