2024 年 1 月 18 日
您可能會驚訝地發現,我們新款 Beloved 珍珠項鍊的創作並非始於珠寶生產。就像我們的許多手工串珠珠寶一樣,這件美麗的作品最初是在妓院中構思出來的。

As you may know, outreach begins with building trust. Through consistent visits, we build relationships, friendships, with the women we meet in the brothels. Once these relationships are built and a woman begins to feel safe with us, we have the amazing chance to offer her the opportunity to escape her current situation and begin a new life of freedom at Starfish Project. Ten times out of ten, her answer will echo decades of voices that have spoken of unworthiness and inability to grow and hope for something different. Our invitations are often met with responses like, "I am stupid. You wouldn't want me. I have no education. I could never learn. It will be too hard."
Our invitations are often met with responses like, "I am stupid. You wouldn't want me. I have no education. I could never learn. It will be too hard."


As we created the Beloved Necklace, we, too, were dreaming of the day when we will take this hand-beaded freshwater pearl necklace into the brothels to tell a new woman she is indeed beloved, valuable and has hope for a future of freedom. As you wear and gift the Beloved Pearl Necklace, you create more and more opportunities for women to take their first steps toward freedom, independence, and a dignified career at Starfish Project, where she will discover that she, too, is beloved. That is the forever impact of your purchase.