2023 年 10 月 15 日
那是 2021 年的夏天。我和一些當地的朋友創辦了一個藝術中心,為女性提供一個安全的環境,鼓勵她們互相分享自己的故事。除了情感支持外,我們還對他們進行創意技能培訓,並提供創作待售藝術品的工作機會。

Into this beautiful and hard season, walked the man of my dreams.
Into this beautiful and hard season, walked the man of my dreams. He had also worked overseas for a number of years, understood the beauty of it, understood me and a whirlwind romance followed. By the summer of 2022, I was planning a wedding.
But the part of planning that brought so much joy was choosing bridesmaids—the women who had stood by me in grief and rejoiced with me in new opportunities and hoped with me in hard seasons, realizing again how much power there is in sisterhood. I called each one to invite them to stand with me on my wedding day, reflecting the importance of our friendship, past and future.


This is why I chose to buy gold bracelets from Starfish Project as gifts for my attendants. They were a beautiful compliment to our outdoor fall (too cold but no rain) wedding. And I love that the bracelets are quality enough for my friends to wear them over and over—reminiscent of our own bond, but also of the importance of standing together with our sisters from around the world. We need each other and at the end of the day, we only truly rise when we rise together.
Liza Chitwood 創立了 Art of Hope,這是一個藝術合作組織,為生活在黎巴嫩敘利亞難民中的高風險女性提供可持續的工作和安全場所。她是一個天生的說故事的人,並且被不同背景的人所吸引。麗莎來自中西部,與丈夫馬特住在愛達荷州,週末他們享受馬鈴薯炸醬和溫泉。
Instagram - @artofhoping
網址 - artofhoping.com
攝影:奧斯卡·迪亞茲 - @oscarmphotos