2020 年 10 月 22 日

Their Starfish Project sales make a huge impact in achieving our social mission. Just like yours, their orders are sourced, made, prepared, photographed, and shipped by incredible survivor leaders who are developing new careers at Starfish Project. It is with their support that we see new women and girls experience freedom from trafficking, exploitation, and brothels every year.
One of our inspiring Retail Partners who really understands this amazing impact, is Moi Moi Market. They are based in Hawaii, yet are supporting ethical brands like ours from all over the world! “Moi Moi is proud to collaborate with these incredible brands... here in Hawaii and all over the world. With the power of your dollar... we can connect people to empower change!” - Kelsey, Moi Moi

我們很自豪 Starfish Project 珠寶將出現在 Moi Moi 的新合作盒中,裡面裝滿了具有道德和社會影響力的產品。我們的零售合作夥伴不僅僅是普通企業,他們總是走得更遠,尋找新的方法,讓您更接近您希望透過購買產生的影響。 Moi Moi 的盒子匯集了來自世界各地的迷人且獨特的道德產品,以實現這一目標!
在美國各地企業面臨困難的一年裡,我們非常感謝這個零售合作夥伴大家庭,他們繼續無畏地提高人們對人口販運等我們關心的問題的認識。我們很自豪能夠成為公平貿易聯盟的成員,在這裡我們與 300 多家美國公平貿易企業一起學習、成長並獲得相互支持。
隨著年底的臨近,其中一些零售合作夥伴希望能夠度過非常困難的 2020 年。的女性體驗到自由!