2023 年 3 月 8 日

Victoria, Annie & Lorena
Meet this wonderful family of give-back women, Victoria, our Starfish Project Digital Marketing Manager, big sister Annie, and their fantastic mom, Lorena!
Each incredible woman loves well and serves generously in their community and beyond. From sewing masks in the height of COVID, college support at Bethel University, to packing your jewelry as volunteers at our Starfish Project Distribution Center, this inspirational tribe does it all with smiles on their faces!
然而,最激勵我們亞洲海星專案團隊的是看到多代人站在一起,以實際的方式爭取自由。引用海星計畫設計負責人 June 的話說: 「維多利亞和她的家人是女性支持女性的精髓,也是我們夢想有一天能與我們的女兒一起做的事情!感謝維多利亞、安妮和洛雷娜為我們恢復希望所做的一切努力。你激勵我們!
Kate of @Lonestarsouthern is a longtime friend of Starfish Project. Rebekah, our Starfish Project Holistic Care Director shares, “I first met Kate at the Starfish Project shelter where she led a fun night on her visit to Asia in 2017.
Kate taught everyone to do nails and listened patiently and eagerly to everyone share their stories. I remember that Kate hugged every woman tightly, and they all shared both happiness and sorrow like close friends.


Today we celebrate fellow survivor, @imrebeccabender Rebecca’s incredible story of transformation is inspirational to anyone who has the privilege of hearing her share. For many on our team hearing Rebecca share her story online with such bold vulnerability was transformational.
For many Rebecca’s story created a new lens to see their own. Hearing real-life examples of grooming in a vastly different context that felt so similar was eye-opening.
Erin is an incredible blogger, fashion guru, and advocate with us! You may have seen her reels styling and showing off our jewelry. She has such a heart and passion for raising awareness for Starfish Project. We are beyond grateful for her support and talent! It means the world to the moms in our program to see a fellow mom across the globe cheering them on by wearing the jewelry they create and spreading the word about the life-transforming impact!