Breaking the Cycle

JUL 25, 2024

Many women who have escaped exploitation and are now at Starfish Project often face barriers, such as incomplete education due to leaving their homes between ages 12-15. We recognize these challenges and offer transformative opportunities. Through our programs, women acquire career skills that equip them for employment opportunities, whether at Starfish Project or elsewhere. These skills not only equip them to build sustainable livelihoods but also restore their confidence and pave the way for a brighter future.

While the women are learning skills, whether in the photography, accounting, design department, etc., we want to ensure we accommodate everyone's unique needs. We want to reassure them that here, it is perfectly fine to ask questions, request a review of something, and seek counseling for any issues that might come up as she pursues new skills. Depending on the department, some women are tested and receive certifications that provide credibility. These certifications allow the women who wish to expand further from Starfish Project to obtain careers that will sustain them!

Each survivor is not only improving their own lives but also positively impacting their children and future generations. Through the generous support of our community, we have been able to offer education grants to the children of survivors in our program. The support and grants provided to the children serve as a powerful motivator. By witnessing their mothers' resilience and determination to improve their circumstances through education and skills development, their children are inspired to pursue their own educational and personal goals. They witness firsthand the profound impact of breaking the cycles of poverty and exploitation, inspiring them to strive for excellence and make positive contributions to their communities, thereby creating a hopeful future for generations to come.

As survivors of exploitation thrive, their children witness the transformative power of education and determination, motivating them to pursue their own dreams.

As survivors of exploitation thrive, their children witness the transformative power of education and determination, motivating them to pursue their own dreams. Together, with your continued support through your giving and purchases, we continue to build a future where opportunities are accessible to all. Your support is integral to our mission, and we value your contribution immense