In this moment, I celebrate HER.

The NEW Initial and Birthstone necklaces are the perfect gift to CELEBRATE HER in any moment.

Women who are experience freedom at Starfish Project have created this pieces to help you celebrate HER in every moment.

My friend was diagnosed with cancer when we were only 25 years old. After very scary symptoms, countless appointments, and a successful surgery, she is cancer free. She just had a scan that was clear, confirming that she has been cancer-free for a full year. I got her this birthstone necklace to mark the month that her doctor told her she is officially cancer-free.

In this moment of gratitude, I celebrate her.

My friend’s father left their family when she was one year old. She’s only seen him a few times in person and they rarely speak. This year, she found out from another family member that his mother (her grandmother, whom she did not know) had passed away. Knowing her father probably wouldn’t answer the phone, she chose to call him and left him a voicemail that she was sorry for his loss. I was so proud that even after how poorly he’s treated her, she had compassion for her father in that moment. I got her an initial necklace to encourage her that even though her father has disappointed her and let her down in so many ways, there are so many people who love her so deeply.

In this moment of compassion, I celebrate her.

My coworker kept feeling sick for days and days, until finally one day she told me confidentially that she was eight weeks pregnant! We tried to keep it down in our cubicles but we were both shrieking in excitement when she told me. A couple weeks later, she texted me mid-morning that she wasn’t coming to work that day because she had had a miscarriage. My heart was so sad for her. I wasn’t sure how to help. I got her a birthstone necklace for the month that her baby would have been born so she would know that I remembered her loss.

In this moment of grief, I celebrate her.

I am in my fifties, and my kids are all in college or graduated. My best friend’s youngest child is going to college this fall. I know that when I became an empty-nester last year, it was an overwhelming mixture of loss and excitement. I know that my friend will struggle with a new identity as we both figure out what life looks like when a stay-at-home mom suddenly has no kids at home. I got her two necklaces, one with each of her child’s initials, to remind her what an amazing mom and person she is. I want her to know that just like we figured out elementary school and sports and prom and everything together, we will figure out this next season of life together too!

In this moment of transition, I celebrate her.

My mother has been an alcoholic for many years. My siblings and I confronted her about her alcoholism several years ago, and thankfully she took us seriously and listened to our request that she get help. She attends a weekly support group and has become a different, kinder person now that she doesn’t drink. This week, she is celebrating 10 years of sobriety. I got her a birthstone necklace to remind her of how far she has come.

In this moment of triumph, we celebrate her.

My sister got into running a few years ago when she moved to Denver. She diligently wakes up so early everyday to get that time to herself. I’ve gotten to cheer her on for her first 5k, first 10k, and many other races. This weekend, she is going to run her first marathon! I sent her this initial necklace to arrive this week so she can wear it and remember her first ever marathon.

In this moment of victory, I celebrate her.

I am a military wife, and our family has to move every couple years. It is so hard to uproot and make new friends every year. We’ve been in this city for 14 months, and my best friend here just moved to a new station for her husband’s new post. Our small kids are the same age and we spent time together nearly everyday. I sent her a necklace to her new address so it would arrive during her first week there. I wanted her to know that even though our in-person friendship was shorter than I would like, she’ll always be a lifelong friend.

In this moment of new beginnings, I celebrate her.

My wife and I have been married nine years. We’ve always talked about going to Paris, and neither of us have ever been. Our tenth anniversary is coming up, and I’m surprising her with a trip to Paris. Her birthday and our anniversary are the same month. She thinks we are just going to dinner, but at dinner I’m giving her this birthstone necklace and our printed boarding passes to Paris. She works so hard to support our family and is the most amazing mother and wife. Thinking back on the last ten years, I can’t believe I get to be married to such an incredible woman.

In this moment of happiness, I celebrate her.

This past weekend, my family got to go to our friends’ lakehouse and spend the weekend with them. Our children got to go tubing and learned how to waterski for the first time. It was such a blast and so great to get out of the city. It was so generous of them to host our crazy bunch. I sent my friend an initial necklace to say thank you for such a great weekend.

In this moment of gratitude, I celebrate her.