The Generational Impact of Hope

MAY 07, 2021

Here at Starfish Project, we are often asked, “What is the most unexpected part of doing outreach in the brothels?” For many of us, it’s still shocking how many mothers we meet working in the brothels. Women, moms, much like you and I.

Some days it can feel so familiar like a group of moms sat around a coffee shop asking all the questions and bonding over preteen hormones and worries. Other days it’s utterly heartbreaking. We listen to new moms share about leaving their babies behind with relatives to come find work in the city so they can provide for their child. Yet wherever her story of motherhood began or might currently be, we have the amazing privilege to share with her stories of families transformed by hope.

At Starfish Project, we have seen that when one woman makes the brave decision to hope for a better future, she can transform her family for generations!

At Starfish Project, we have seen that when one woman makes the brave decision to hope for a better future, she can transform her family for generations! As a woman experiences freedom she can offer it to her children, her sisters, and her friends. As she gains the tools to establish independence she has tools to share, equip and pass on. The impact a woman can have as she dares to hope is incredible!

You multiple this impact as you purchase, wear and share the Starfish Project story. You join your voice with hers and as she says, “No, this will not be my child’s story.” That’s the incredible thing about hope— it multiplies.

You multiple this impact as you purchase, wear and share the Starfish Project story.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us remember the incredible women in our communities— moms, aunts, teachers, besties who are catalysts for hope in our lives. May we recognize their impact, be grateful, and may hope multiple in us for generations to come!

Thank you for restoring hope alongside us.